Elizabeth Moore has extensive experience in auditing. Her area of expertise is in performing audits for non-profit organizations. She is proficient and skilled in maneuvering through unique and eclectic cultures, which are found in the variety of non-profit organizations. Elizabeth and her staff perform audit, review and compilation engagements and perform audits that are in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget circular A-133.
The variety of clients operate nationwide and internationally and are appreciative of the respect and attention Elizabeth and her staff provide when offering financial recommendations and solutions.
Elizabeth began her career in public accounting in 1981. She worked for Public Accounting firms in northern California, New Jersey and is currently employed as a Partner with Hutchinson and Bloodgood, LLP. She has been with this firm since 1996, and in 2007, she became a Partner specializing in the Non-Profit section of the firm. She is a member of the firm's Accounting and Auditing Committee.